Tenderness. It is sensitivity, kindness, gentleness, being attentive to other people. It is touch using words that makes us feel warm and safe. It is gesture and attitude that melts ice. It sets authenticity of feelings. It is the language of love. It hides all wisdom one can get and it comes naturally from people who are matured and aware of their feelings. Giving tenderness to others, we give them the best we have. We move away fears and open hearts. The real love cannot exist without tenderness, without little subtle gestures, day by day. Without smiles, hugs, making coffee and clearing of the snow from cars. It is important to take care of tenderness, not to loose it in every day life.
When we do wedding photography and film for couples such as Karolina and Kuba we remind ourselves, that one cannot have too much of tenderness. When you see how they look at each other, how they care for each other, how they listen, hug and make these small things, we want to do even more and better. Watching tenderness of people in love make us feel better people. And we want to be the same. Tenderness is taught by our families. And here too, it was easy to notice that their parents, grandparents, siblings, they all love each other fondly and treat with love and respect. Karolina and Kuba celebrated their most beautiful day of life, on a day before the New Year's Eve, surrounded by hundreds of lights in festive atmosphere. It may seem that these snowy decorations in Reduta Banku Polskiego in Warsaw and freezing weather outside made the impression of cold, but the temperature of their hearts was so high it would have crushed the thickest ice.
Wedding photographer Warsaw - Reduta Banku Polskiego Winter wedding in Poland
Barbara Zielinska
Piękne zdjęcia. Piękna sesja. Dziękuje bardzo za możliwość przeżywania tego wyjątkowego wieczoru ślubu i wesela Karoliny i Kuby tak często jak tylko zapragnę. Z wyrazami szacunku i wdzięczności babcia Karolinki
Wydaje nam się, że takie rzeczy dzieją się w bajkach. Dziękuję, że byłam w tej bajce
MartineLubię Wasze reportaże :) Za czystość koloru, za kadry, za sytuacje, za ciekawość odbić. Miło się je ogląda, dobrze do nich wraca, przyjemnie drażnią zmysły i pozostawiają same pozytywne wrażenia :)
KasiaPiekny reportaz! Emocje, kadry, kolory, super!!!
MonikaŚwietne repo a sesja... naprawdę robi wrażenie! Pomimo śniegu tak ciepło i przytulnie :)
podoba się? daj nam o tym znać :)